Hello to all TwoFish participants.
Last week was full of many exciting activities. The sailboat challenge was a success and many sailboats made it across the TwoFish ocean. Well done to all!
I saw older participants helping younger ones. In TwoFish, we are all teachers, we are all students. It feels good to learn and to help someone.
Some classes have so many ideas, there isn’t enough time to do everything. Do you know that when there are too many ideas, you can make a meeting with all the participants and decide what to do?
Finally, do you know that if you have an idea or a story, you can put it here in the newsletter and share it with everyone? We could work together on this newsletter. I’d really like that.
That’s all from me, see you in your next class.
This week’s riddle
What goes up and doesn’t come back down?
See the answer at the bottom of the page.
Last week at TwoFish
Bozhena asked for fabric, I got some for her and here it is.
Yakov is helping Krum to put on the harness.
Ivan is thinking about his sailboat design.
Andrea is happy because she made a toy for her dog.
Aya and Irenka are making volcanoes from soil.
Click here to see all the pictures from last week.
Ideas for class
This is like the Eiffel Tower. How tall can you make one?
For more architecture ideas, click here.
Have you tried the egg drop project? You must find a way to protect the egg when it hits the ground.
For more challenges, click here.
This game is called ‘sink the ship‘. Can you watch the video and tell me the rules?
For more games, click here.
Click here to see many more ideas for class.
Things to do at home
Somewhere in the classroom, the key is hidden. If you can say the words, you will get a clue where to find it.
If you can find the key and open the treasure chest, there are some treats inside.
This is a great song. Maybe you can sing along?
I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good, good night
A feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good, good night
Click here for all the lyrics.
The sailboat challenge went very well. There were many different designs. Some were simple, some were complicated, some had small sails, some had large sails, some were light and some were heavy.
What did you learn about your sailboat design? Did your boat do what you expected it to do?
Click here to complete the sail boat challenge.
The answer to this week’s riddle
Your age.
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