• Cambridge ESOL qualified and child specialist.
  • Trained in democratic education for children.
  • Qualified children’s general gymnastics coach.
  • 19 years professional experience with children.
  • Experienced innovator. 


TWOFISH is a private language school located on Vitosha Boulevard that delivers English language courses for kids from beginner to intermediate levels.

The school is owned and operated by Rob Maher. He is Cambridge ESOL qualified and has taught English to 100’s of children here in Sofia both in traditional and unconventional environments. 

He’s delivered 1000’s of hours teaching English to children in the traditional system and has 11 years experience as a professionalgymnastics instructor to kids.

His philosophy on education stems from his experience as both a student and a teacher,  training received from Yaacov Hecht, an international visionary in democratic education, and  a belief that we need not ever accept the status quo. Rob’s work as an educator reflects his appetite for innovation and his appreciation for bodily health and physical movement. Find out more about his background here.