Personal development

//Personal development

…how you relate to the void is the beginning of your creativity.

By | May 27th, 2016|News2, Personal development|

[:en]...sometimes you have to spend time alone. Alone is a very special state...we have to find our connection to the universe everyday...sometimes you cannot find [...]

Why Do We Do What We Do?

By | May 27th, 2016|News2, Personal development|

[:en]Recently, one of my colleagues posted a question on the listserve that we share, where she asked us to comment on how we differentiate between [...]

Make it your goal this week to shine a spotlight on your own goodness, successes, triumphs, and bravery.

By | April 3rd, 2016|News2, Personal development|

[:en]To the Mom Who is Too Hard on Herself[:]

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