Hello to all TwoFish participants.


This week we saw new products arrive in the shop. There were pillows, cushions,  slime and purses. Participants have been very happy to buy some of these products.

If you would like to make a product and sell it in the shop, you must make your coins first. Just ask Robert or Alice for the paper cutting stamp and special paper.

We have got two stories in this newsletter at the bottom of this newsletter. One is a continuation of Sean and Mary in the airport and the other is a new one about a woman, a clown and a policeman.

By the way, if you’re interested in adding ideas to the newsletter, please click here for more information.

That’s all from me and the newsletter team, see you in your next class.

Robert – senior editor

Deyan – researcher

Lora – researcher

Gery – writer and researcher

There are pillows and purses for sale.

Make your own coins.

This week’s riddle

What word becomes shorter when you add two letters?

See the answer at the bottom of the page.

Last week at TwoFish

Izabel and Bogdana are making strawberry milkshakes.

Alex is making a secret project.

Vasi is refilling the bottles with coloured water.

Lora and Eli are making a dark castle for a scary game.

We are eating popcorn and watching a movie that Lora and Leda made.

Magi is helping Robert to drill the wood.

Nikola is using the jig saw to cut his wooden claws.

Venelin and Irenka are in a garage that they made.

Boris is looking through his periscope.

Thea is playing with the water.

Click here to see all the pictures from last week.

Ideas for class


Can you draw a lion?

For more drawing ideas, click here.


Can you make an infinity cube?

For more craft ideas, click here.


Can you make a walking robot?

For more mechanical challenges, click here.


Can you direct your blindfolded friend through the minefield?

For more games, click here.

Click here to see many more ideas for class.

Hahahaha, ahhhh, wow and mmmm!


See more.


See more.


See more.


See more.

Things to do at home

Somewhere in the classroom, the key is hidden. If you can say the words, you will get a clue where to find it.



If you can find the key and open the treasure chest, there are some treats inside.

This is a slow song. Maybe you can sing along?

Oh, misty eye of the mountain below
Keep careful watch of my brothers’ souls
And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke
Keep watching over Durin’s son

The TwoFish shop is now open!

To do this challenge, you must ask Rob or Alice for your coins.

They will give you a very special paper and and paper punch.

You can make 10 coins and when you are finished you can buy something from the shop.

You can also make something for the shop. Participants have made pillows, slime, soap, cars and purses.

Maybe you can think of something really useful or cool to sell in the shop?

Best of luck!

Last week, we had a story about Sean and Mary.

We got some ideas from you explaining how their story ended.

Click here to find out more.

Please share with us your ideas for future stories.

Alice and I would be very happy to write, draw and record it.

This week, we have got another very special challenge for you.

Here is a story about a woman, a clown and a policeman.

She was waiting for a bus when something unexpected happened.

The story is not finished, can you  imagine what happens next?

In the next class, can you act out your ideas with us.

The answer to this week’s riddle
