

‘…gaining experience with the real world is how children learn to keep themselves safe’

By | March 5th, 2016|News2, Principles|

[:en]I hadn't posted anything here about our balloon cage for a long time and I remember now why I've been avoiding it. I find myself [...]

‘Marianna is so concerned with pleasing her parents that the love she used to feel for learning has been crowded out by her craving for their validation.’

By | March 2nd, 2016|News2, Principles|

[:en]This mother’s hovering comes from a place of love—that’s clear. She wants the world for her children, and yet the very things she’s doing to [...]

The Toxic Effects of Shaming Children

By | February 17th, 2016|News2, Principles|

[:en]Shame has long been wielded as a powerful tool to modify a child’s behavior. When made to feel unworthy, children will usually try harder to [...]

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